Friday, April 10, 2009

My poetry for poor(inspired by Maiden's hallowed be Thy name

hallowed be Thy name---1

wearing the waist high threads,
living on tiny bites,
drenching by the water from roof ,in rain,
struggling through time,
my Lord,
still in my hrt i wsh,
hallowed be Thy name

my heart rejoices to see,
my to be food growing in field,
my heart grieves to see,
my to be food robbed by
monstrous landlords,
my hrt rejoices to see
ur creatns thrgh me,
but my hrt aches to see
them cry
but i wsh,
hallowed be Thy name

seeing stars,
embedded in cover of mother,
some brght,
but some dark,
struggling to say there presence,
i wonder wht it is
makng them differ,
to be in dark,
to suffer ,
with ignorance
cause as we idiot humans
see beauty by our shine
but my Lord.
i know u hv made like me by reasons,
i wonder what and still my lord ,
i wish,
hallowed be Thy name