Monday, December 27, 2010


I just got my hands on the folder named :
Illegal Banned Books Collection
:D:D:D ........ i was quite amazed on opening it ......... :
1. ! - Defeating Electromagnetic Door Locks
2. ! - Hidden Street Weapons
3. ! - Improvised Lock Picks
4. anarchy - ! - Anarchists Cookbook IV 4.14
5. anarchy - Jack_the_Rippa - Murder Inc. - The Book
6. drug - ! - Beginners Guide to Growing Marijuana
7. drug - ! - How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms
8. drug - ! - The Beginner's Guide to Hash-Growing
9. drug - Uncle Fester - Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture (3rd ed)
10. Eden Press - 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free
11. firearms - Hayduke, George - Silent but Deadly - More Homemade Silencers from Hayduke the Master
12. Gombos, Justin - Fooling The Bladder Cops - The Complete Drug Testing Guide
13. Hoffman, Abbie - Steal This Book
14. Long, Hei Master - 21 Techniques of Silent Killing

And guess the one which i read thoroughly! :
Gombos, Justin - Fooling The Bladder Cops - The Complete Drug Testing Guide :P
Really liked it man ....... nd here is one hell of a funny para :-

I heard from Dr. Grow that dog urine (of all things) can be substituted,
and will pass the test! However, I don't know how an age, gender, pH, or
creatinine test would result. Someone was able to use dog urine for several
months to pass the test. This subsection assumes you have a clean dog. I
know my dog's urine wouldn't pass; he eats more weed than humans do.

Ofcourse the test he is talking about is dope test and he was telling about different ways to pass the test.....
If u r intersted in any of it .... just download ... or ill surely mail u!