Monday, December 27, 2010


I just got my hands on the folder named :
Illegal Banned Books Collection
:D:D:D ........ i was quite amazed on opening it ......... :
1. ! - Defeating Electromagnetic Door Locks
2. ! - Hidden Street Weapons
3. ! - Improvised Lock Picks
4. anarchy - ! - Anarchists Cookbook IV 4.14
5. anarchy - Jack_the_Rippa - Murder Inc. - The Book
6. drug - ! - Beginners Guide to Growing Marijuana
7. drug - ! - How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms
8. drug - ! - The Beginner's Guide to Hash-Growing
9. drug - Uncle Fester - Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture (3rd ed)
10. Eden Press - 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free
11. firearms - Hayduke, George - Silent but Deadly - More Homemade Silencers from Hayduke the Master
12. Gombos, Justin - Fooling The Bladder Cops - The Complete Drug Testing Guide
13. Hoffman, Abbie - Steal This Book
14. Long, Hei Master - 21 Techniques of Silent Killing

And guess the one which i read thoroughly! :
Gombos, Justin - Fooling The Bladder Cops - The Complete Drug Testing Guide :P
Really liked it man ....... nd here is one hell of a funny para :-

I heard from Dr. Grow that dog urine (of all things) can be substituted,
and will pass the test! However, I don't know how an age, gender, pH, or
creatinine test would result. Someone was able to use dog urine for several
months to pass the test. This subsection assumes you have a clean dog. I
know my dog's urine wouldn't pass; he eats more weed than humans do.

Ofcourse the test he is talking about is dope test and he was telling about different ways to pass the test.....
If u r intersted in any of it .... just download ... or ill surely mail u!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Problem with the unsuccessful people is that they know many things but they don't know themselves and till they know themselves, they are old and have forgotten all other things and they are only left with the option of telling the next generation to know themselves, which of-course don't listen to them.

A thgt which struck me while watching "Hubble's view of the Universe

Those who can feel and appreciate the vastness and 'unknown of' the Universe dont bother to worry about small and known Human worldliness.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

National Youth Consultation: Approach paper for 12th Five Year Plan

The real requirement of youth in any country is “the vision”. The vision seen by them or by any other intellectual leader which the youth can fulfill with all their zeal and enthusiasm. A vision of a better Society should be the direction of work of the youth.
In India the problems being faced by youth causing them distress are :
1. Peer pressure for pursuing the education they are disinterested in,
2. The notion that western society is better than Indian culture and society and so there blindfolded faith in western ways of living,
3. The money and job security required,
4. Urge of power and earning money through quick ways,
5. The acceptance of the place in society in the order of the economic strength of the one or the family and continuing the hierarchy.

The need of the Planning as a country to nurture youth is to:
1. Provide Youth the ample knowledge in Counseling sessions of the kind of carrier they are interested in. This knowledge can only come as a part of education, and young minds can listen only if it has the appeal of attracting their mind.
The students of the premiere engineering institutes of India are known to pursue the MBA, IAS etc. administrative jobs after doing engineering in various fields. This only shows a lack of knowledge of their own interests in life. In young age this knowledge comes only through counseling. This leads to wastage in resources of Institutes.
The youth in their young ages are generally brain washed in the middle class families in India to leave all their interests and pursue only education as an aim to a get “job” . Due to this mentality the problem of youth being misguided, mislead and finally repenting on the state of their life will never go. The need is to “counsel parents along with the youth”. This will help in removing the dilemma of “new opportunities of carrier in life” and “peer pressure of a settled government job or large sum paying MNCs”.
Government need to advertise with hoardings and TV advertisements about not “just any education” but a “valuable education”, valuable for the person as well as society.

2. The Indian culture after the independence emerged as a haven which was all dark and gloomy due to all the political moves during British regime. This dark background of Indian Culture today involves:
a. Caste system and calling some people as backward classes.
b. Reservations based on these classes, to even the wealthy and self sufficient families.
c. The early age marriages, dowry, hefty marriage budgets etc. which seem quite unnecessary to today’s educated youth but are forced on them by the families.
d. The sacred rituals which are today done by all families but all of them have lost the faith in them. Same is conveyed to the youth. This loss of faith and hypocrite attitude to Indian Culture and rituals are the base impressions from which youth pick up to criticize their Culture altogether.
e. The glimpses of the American society and culture which the youth take through various Television channels and find them free and energetic make them feel their own culture and family systems as highly constrained. What they don’t see is that the American culture and society has its own problems just like any other culture and b
The need of the our is to refer to the basics of the Indian Culture, remove all the distortions in it due to the time and slavery, and present the best parts of it to the youth so that they can implement the time tested cultures in their own scenario.

3. The cultural and social transparency and stability will help the youth to understand that money involved is not the only thing to be considered while hunting for a job. It is their will to really work for the cause given by the job which can help in creating an administrative structure which nurtures their dreams and values which they have obtained in their young ages.
Selfishness in the minds which cause the evil of Corruption to root into the young mind has been referenced and very delicately handled in ancient Indian Scriptures like, Bhagwad Gita.
Society as such should understand although these scriptures are referenced as sayings of Hindu Gods, but the knowledge they contain is universal and apply to every single human being with the aim of just carving out Humans as superior intellectual being from their social animal characteristics.

4. Only the intellectual knowledge of what is important for creating a better society is the key for Human development today. A holistic approach to growth has to be emphasized in education.
Providing funds and man-power for taking notes from Ancient scriptures, removing all reference to any single god, writing in simple languages the meaning of these scriptures and incorporating them into the education of youth should be the goal of Planning Commission

I would like to emphasize, to people, to understand that only implementing a policy cannot lead to change in overall attitude of people. Giving a rule without giving its socially acceptable causes is the problem of today’s governments. Democracy means for the people, by the people and policy makers have come from the society itself. Their policies reflect the background of their own knowledge of life as well as their political Moto of maximizing the votes. A change in the attitude of youth who will be the future policy makers is the need for changing the degrading social values of society.

Rules for stopping the domestic violence, rape and indecency to women wont help the people to actually respect the women until and unless they understand the basics of the harmony and understanding required between opposites sexes for functioning of a good society.